Won’t Your Custom Graphics Ruin The Sound of My Bass Drum?
Our special combination of products, process, and application makes the Looks Great! vs. Sounds Great! argument a thing of the past. Your DrumImage custom drum heads will provide visually stunning graphics, great sound integrity, and terrific durability.
Brand Your Marching / Pipe and Drum Band!
Your band is on the march. Practice and planning has been meticulous and your presentation refined to the last polished button. You’ve put in a lot of time and effort to get to this point. But is your band representing your image to the fullest? Your band is a powerful messenger of spirit and identity. Your name, and your logo, are at the center of your band’s franchise. And DrumImage can help support this brand identity by adding full color, highly durable graphic images to your bass drum heads. Your audience will notice the difference – and so will you. DrumImage is used by many leading Pipe & Drum bands, Collegiate, High School, and Competition Marching Bands across the country. Those bands that compete appreciate the high sound quality resulting from our...